June 29, 2011
Kinross Good Golly Miss Molly, DM
Sire: GC, BW, NW Kinross James McGlynn
You can follow
their progress on Facebook here.

NW Kinross Ears 2 Howie of Amber Snow
is a brown mackeral tabby and white boy with folded ears. Ever since he was
born, we knew this boy was destined for something special. He had this presence,
this personality, this aura about him that you don't see every day. Sure enough,
once this boy hit the show circuit, there was no stopping him! He wowed the
judges everywhere he went! You can see his own page here.
Kinross Gerry Raffearty
is a blue mackeral tabby and white, long-hair, folded-ear boy. He is the most
in-your-face kitten of this litter. He and his brother Milt have been attending
a few kitten shows together.
is Gerry's page.
Kinross Hershey Kiss
got both his registered name and his nickname from Milton
Hershey, the founder of Hershey Chocolates. Can you see the shape of a Hershey
Kiss on his face? Milt is a blue mackeral tabby and white, long-hair, folded-ear
boy. He is extremely laid-back and takes everything in stride.
is Milt's page.
is a silver mackeral tabby and white girl. She has straight ears. She is an
active, inquisitive girl who loves to mix it up with all her siblings. She is
an extremely photogenic kitten.
will be staying at Kinross. Here is Hanna's own page.
Kinross Polly of Korloff Noir
is a straight-eared black and white girl. She is so much like her mother Molly!
She is an extremely friendly little girl. She has now gone to live with Zinaida
at Korloff
Noir cattery in Russia. Here are some updates:
is a silver mackeral tabby and white girl. She has straight ears and long hair.
She and her sister Hanna look similar, but they have much different personalities.
Sheona loves to be picked up, and she will follow us around everywhere, wanting
to be part of everything that goes on - especially in the kitchen!
is a black smoke and white, straight-ear, long-hair girl. She was the largest
kitten in the litter for a long time, but now the boys have caught up to her.
now lives in Ballston Spa, NY with Pat and another Kinross kitty, Ben Maxwell,
plus Philomena. She's giving the older cats lots of exercise with her love for
play! She's fitting in well to her new home. Here are some updates:
#1: After a smooth trip home, I put Sam's things in "the green room".
With food and water, I left her to herself. Yes, I visited, but didn't "drag
her out" or pester her. She did peek out from underneath the bed more
than once, but was not ready to come out into the open. This morning (a
couple of hours ago), she came out from under the bed, and I petted her
as she walked up and down in front of me. And I did pick her up, sat her
next to me, petted her, but left her free to jump down, when she wanted
to. After awhile, I left her again. A few minutes ago, I went back in, with
a toy (feathers on a stick), thinking that she might be coaxed out from
under the bed by that. However, when she didn't appear, I looked under,
and she was "NOWHERE". Knowing that she HAD to be in the room,
I got the flashlight out, to check all of the floor under everything....
the dresser, the bookcase, the hassock, behind some boxes... still, "NOWHERE".
Since there's no escape from the room (she couldn't POSSIBLY get into the
closet), I (finally) checked behind the bookcase, got the camera, removed
a couple of books, and took a picture.. I then put the books back where
they were to let you know what a good little hider she is.... mind you,
she did NOT have her head up, when I was looking around. I will be giving
her free roam of the downstairs, when I return from church. However, no
way will I leave her to roam without being around!!! She's too good at it.
Thank you both for such a treasure!
Sam #2: I
just plain left the door open this morning. the other two are curious, but
don't enter the room. When I took Phil upstairs to comb out a couple of
mats, and she "screamed"... Sam walked into the front room and
meowed (more like a squeaky mouse, these days). and ran back when I headed
down the stairs.Now, I'm at the computer, and she has ventured over to see
what's going on, and found a shelf to curl up in. where's the camera, when
you need it? guess I should carry it with me, these next few days. what
a joy she is!!! |
Sam #3: Samantha
has been a real sport. She's got a "hiding space" in the tv room,
where she goes to lie down and get a rest. Her favorite spot is stretching
out in front of the tv....Now, any time i want her to come out, a shake
of the wand toy does it!! PURRRFectly. She's eating with max and phil. but
I do put her in her room at night (for now, it seems like a good thing..
a constant, and she knows she wont be bothered). In the morning, I take
her a bowl of wet food, and leave her door closed until it's finished (at
least 3 minutes). then , i know she's had food, and I don't worry about
her. Right now, she's come down to this end of the house, because I'm on
the computer. we have been wathcing tv. So, she's getting rest, she's eating,
she's drinking from the running water fountain, and she's using her litter
box. no one has gotten into any tiff with her, and I think everything will
be a-okay!!! She uses the scratchin post, and loves to run up onto the back
of the rocking chair. Thank you, again for such a delightful kit!!! We'll
take care of her.... |
Sam #4: Samantha
now weighs (drum roll) over 7 lbs. How's that? Not bad!! She's getting
plenty of exercise - she and Max chase each other from one end of the
house to the other. And they ALL like chasing after feathers on the end
of the stick....She is loved!!! Thank you!
Polly: Polly is all good. Today I congratulated Polly's
birthday. Polly very affectionate. Polly loves being petted and purrs. Yesterday
night we slept with Polly together on the couch. Thanks for Polly. Polly
is my dream. Polly's best gift of spring. I am happy. Thank you.
August 2012